Are you debt collectors or offering debt collection services?

NO Kiwidebt does not offer any form of debt collection service, nor are we debt collectors, our goal is to help our clients (debtors) receive freedom from their debt burden.
This may be by any number of services including mediation, negotiation, forgiveness, debt arrangement, Insolvency, or Debt settlement.

Do you charge for your services?

Yes Kiwidebt, unlike many other organisations, does not use a funding model which leverages money from the government, or taxpayers to operate.

Is debt consolidation and Debt Management the same?

NO, Wilst it is truse that under debt management you will pay one payment each pay period toward your debt, finance is not being extended to you, and as such you are not expected to pay interest, and you are not taking out a loan to pay other loans.

I have been turned down for consolidation loans, can I still get Debt Management?

YES, Debt Management is not a form of lending, it is a structural plan to repay debt at a rate you can afford.
A lender may not be able to extend you credit due to minimum lender requirements, or responsible lending provisions, however a Debt Management plan is a way to address thes cumulative issues.

Why dont your clients just go bankrupt?

People engage the services of Kiwidebt for a number of reasons, but the most common is that, although clients realise they owe the debt to creditors, our clients want to pay their obligation, but cant for a number of reasons.
For some clients they have a type of employment where if they were to declare bankruptcy, they would lose their job, further contributing to the drain on other taxpayers as they draw a benefit while they are unemployed.

Are KiwiDebt Clients 'debt dodgers'?

Not at all
KiwiDebt clients are just people who have families, people from all walks of life, people who for some reason, whether it be due to illness, injury, reduced hours, being out of work, or just getting to a point where the increased cost of living has left less and less to pay their debt.
Debt Dodgers dont generally engage the services of KiwiDebt.

Isn't it their fault for taking the debt in the first place?

It is true, there is a responsibility for the debtor, however no-one forced the lender(s) to extend the debtor money in the first place.
We cant just say, people who borrow money are all bad, as without borrowers, investors cant invest, and banks couldn't offer interest

Do creditors still charge fees and interest?

Although many creditors have 'matured' to the services KiwiDebt provide and 'freeze' the accounts of our clients, we cant force creditors to stop charging fees and interest if they dont want to.
There are still some organisations that refuse to 'give the debtor a chance'.
Greed and excess is a part of our society, and some creditors believe that the best way to assist their clients is keep the pressure on their clients, pushing them further and further to the brink, both financially and mentally.

KiwiDebt is continually working with organisations to put an end to these - opressive actions, however it may require government intervention.